Anna Plūde

Doctor anaesthesiologist- reanimatologist, pain specialist have been working in DAP pain clinic since 2021. Doctor Plūde practices pharmacological and minimally invasive pain treatment and offers complex plain treatment methods for patients with multiple comorbidities and psychoemotional distress. Specialist with great experience in managing pain for patients prior and after spine and orthopaedic surgeries, acute and chronic pain after surgeries. Great competence in perineural injections under ultrasound and X-ray guidance.

Specializes in:

  • Nonspecific back pain- due to intervertebral disc herniation or degenerative spine disease 
  • Radicular back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Myofascial pain- pain of muscles and soft tissue; 
  • Neuropathic pain- polyneuropathies after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, diabetic polyneuropathy; trigeminal neuralgia; postherpetic neuralgia;
  • Acute and chronic postoperative pain and posttraumatic pain
  • Oncologic pain 
  • Headache and facial pain
  • Somatoform pain syndrome
  • Other pain syndromes

Member of professional organizations:

  • Latvian Association for the Study of Pain
  • European Pain Federation (EFIC)
  • European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA)
  • European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC)
  • Baltic Society of Regional Anaesthesia (BSRA)
  • Society of Anaesthesiologists and Reanimatologists of Latvia (LARA)