Treatment Methods
In medicine, by blockades they mean the injection of an analgesic and / or anti-inflammatory drug in the area of the pain source or peripheral nerve. The blockade reduces inflammation at the injection site, reduces pain and relieves reflex muscle spasm. Blockades are widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Correct and timely blockade significantly reduces the level of pain and the need for painkillers, significantly reduces the risk of acute pain conversion to chronic one.
Cryoanalgesia, or treatment by means of cold, is a special method to provide long-term pain relief. Cryoanalgesia temporarily interrupts functioning of neurons and motor nerves in the nervous system, using cold. Cryoanalgesia is getting more and more popular method of relieving pain. The analgesia is based on cold-induced ice crystals, which destroy the nerve cells that carry information about the pain. The procedure does not completely destroy the nerve structure, so the nerve tissue can regenerate. The method is safe and minimally invasive. It is recommended in cases where conservative treatment has proved ineffective.